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Kinesiotaping is the application of an elastic theraputic tape that allows for treatment of all types of clinical conditions in the acute, sub-acute, chronic, and rehabilitation stages of injury as well as for prophylactic care. It can be used in conjunction with other topical and alternative therapies. ( cold or hot therapies, acupuncture, chiropractic, ultrasound, massage…) and was designed to have a gentle, long term affect that will assist the body in returning to full health.



Kinesio tape itself is an

  1. elastic tape (with its elastic qualities being 40-60% of its resting length, the approximate stretch capacity of the skin over joints )

  2. with non - caustic adhesive (a 100% heat activated acrylic adhesive, applied to the tape in a wave pattern)

  3. made of non - irritating material (100% cotton fibers)

  4. that lifts the skin (demonstrated by convolutions, wrinkles, in the skin)

  5. in order to replicate what one can do with their hands (massage, fascial release, stabilize, …)

The Kinesio Tape is applied so that as the horse moves the tape affects the taped area in a way that mimics what you would do if you could place your hands on the horse and assist the area; muscle, joint, fascia, in a therapeutic manner while the horse was moving. In short the tape becomes your hands while the horse is moving. The tape is not restrictive or heavy on the skin and allows for full range of motion in the taped area. Its effects are based on its ability to interact with the skin and the associated neurosensory and mechanoreceptors. The tape adheres to the skin and lifts it, slightly from its subdermal attachments. This lifting effect reduces the build up of fluids between and within the soft tissue (edema) and decreases the increased tissue temperature resulting from the edema. The decreased fluid pressure then allows improved muscle function (poor muscle function is generally associated with pain and edema).

Due to these effects the application of kinesiotape can

  • Facilitate and assist normal circulation and lymphatic flow, impacting how the pain receptors respond to swelling and inflammation


  • Decrease pain


  • Assist and improve muscle function


  • Affect and release fascial tissue


  • Improve joint function


It is critical that the tape adheres for days not moments and is non irritating and not motion limiting. Other taping or bandaging techniques aim to limit the normal range of motion of the area treated. Kinesiotaping aims to allow the normal range of motion within the treated area so that its effects are propagated throughout the treated area. These effects facilitate healing and return to full function. That is why kinesiotaping has become so popular in human athletes and is taking off in our equine competitions.

Examples of how we are using in our veterinary patients     

  • Support injured tendons and ligaments
  • Relax tender/sore back muscles
  • Assist in "holding" a chiropractic adjustment
  • Provide long term stimulation of an acupuncture point
  • Reduce swelling and edema.   

Kinesiology Taping for Edema (Cellulitis)     Kinesiology Taping to Assist Chiropractic Adjustment