

The evaluation and treatment of the large animal eye is a unique field.  Horses have fairly sensitive eyes; a small ulcer that would heal without treatment in a cow or dog may blind a horse if left untreated.  We are prepared to examine and treat a variety of equine eye problems, including corneal ulcers, uveitis, glaucoma, and eyelid lacerations.

Alpaca/Llama eyes are similar to equine in their needs for immediate evaluation and treatment.  We are able to examine and assess your camelid's eyes in the field or in our in house treatment area.


Parasite Management/FAMACHA

Henderson Equine Clinic recommends "Targetted Deworming" which employs fecal egg counts to determine how your individual horse or farm needs to be managed. For years, veterinarians have recommended "Rotational Deworming" which simply rotates dewormers every 6 weeks or so throughout the year. The problem with this system is that most horses do not need to be dewormed this frequently. Like the overuse of antibiotics, overuse of dewormers can and have caused resistance in the population we are using them to control.
Fecal egg counts should also be used for deciding whether or not to deworm small ruminants. This is even more critical, as many of the dewormers currently being used have limited or NO effect in some populations. Based on previous deworming history, Fecal Egg Counts, and clinical signs we can make educated recommendations on deworming product choices, as well as if the animal needs to be dewormed at all.

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Pre-Purchase Exams

The purpose of the pre-purchase exam is to assess any health issues that can affect the horse’s suitability for the potential owners intended use. It is important to remember that this exam does not guarantee future soundness. It can however, identify health concerns or problems that provide information to help you determine if this is a suitable horse for your needs. The pre-purchase exam will not be a pass or fail rather it is a fact finding (information finding) exam to help you minimize the risk of purchasing a horse that doesn’t fit your needs. The exam can be as superficial or in depth as you desire. Please call the clinic at 585 243-5560 with any questions. 


Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine includes vaccinations, routine dentistry, and wellness examinations. For more information on Dentistry, see the above section.

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Reproductive Services

Henderson Equine Clinc (and Small Ruminants!) offers reproductive services at your farm or in our clinic. We offer artificial insemination (for horses and goats), breeding soundness examinations and pregnancy evaluation by palpation and ultrasonography.  This past year we have also performed embryo transfer.  We also offer uterine cultures, uterine biopsies, and uterine cytology. Our other services include male breeding soundness examination, semen collection and cooling/shipping or direct insemination. We offer prenatal and neonatal care for your mares, foals, crias, kids, and lambs.

We recommend all mares and foals receive a wellness exam shortly after birth.  We also recommend a post-natal wellness exam for alpacas and llamas and their crias.  At this time we can also test IgG levels.