4H Goat Ultrasound Demonstration

Saturday 3/2/2013 Dr Dewar will be ultrasounding some dairy does for a 4H Goat Ultrasound Demonstration! Please call the office at 585 243-5560 for more information if your 4H'er is interested in attending!

We had a great ultrasound demo on Saturday, with two lovely Alpine does to ultrasound. Both meat and dairy goat 4H'ers were present as we demonstrated pregnancy diagnosis using transabdominal ultrasound. Luckily both does were pregnant, and though they were too far along to accurately count the number of kids, we were able to estimate that two kids were seen on one doe, and atleast one kid was seen on the second doe. The 4Hers were able to see the ribs and spines on all kids, and placentomes (the attachment of the placenta to the uterus) on both does.
Pregnancy diagnosis using ultrasound in goats, sheep, alpacas, and llamas is quick and easy. It can be done as early as 30 days post breeding, and between 35-50 days post breeding the number of fetuses can be counted.
I look forward to pregnancy checking does, ewes, and female alpacas and llamas for our clients this year!
-Dr Anne
The information from the demonstration can be found on our blog!