Now Offering Digital/E-Coggins Testing!

We are now offering digital coggins for our clients horses. Digital or e-coggins utilize digital photos of your horse from the front and both sides, in addition to written descriptions. This decreases the difficulties of matching "non-artistic" drawings to your horses actual markings. We will also be able to save photos from one year to the next, provided there are no changes to your horse's identifying marks (new scars, dark grey to flea bitten, appaloosa's markings changing as they age), which will streamline coggins testing even more!
We are now also able to e-mail your coggins to you for printing at your convience if you prefer rather than traditionally mailing a hard copy. This will also decrease the need for frantic faxes when coggins are misplaced during shipping or showing, as we can always e-mail a copy, without searching and scanning.
There is no additional charge for digital coggins, and if you prefer a hard copy of your coggins, we can easily print out and mail a copy to you.
We are very excited about offering this service, and would love to answer any questions you may have about it!